In the past six months, I have been asked by several organizations to facilitate World Café sessions online and have loved adapting this excellent conversation method from the in-person format to online versions. I have created and facilitated:
- A World Café on Zoom and using Mural
- A World Cafe on Zoom and using Jamboard
- A World Café using the self-select feature in Zoom and Mural
To learn about the Jamboard session, please read my post
How does a World Café work?

Create a Café! Round tables, table cloths, flipchart paper, crayons, markers, flowers, candles, food, beverages.
- Ask powerful questions.
- 4 or 5 people at café-style tables
- 3 rounds of conversation of 15 – 30 minutes each
- A table host to guide the conversation and explain ideas to the next group (optional)
- Participants travel from table to table for each round
- Contribute and write down ideas (draw, doodle …)
- Last round: each table can record key ideas
- Present ideas and discuss in the main group
Online World Café using self-select breakout rooms in Zoom and Mural

For a practice session with the Forward Community hosted by Leigh Ann Rodgers, I replicated an authentic World Cafe experience: complete with table groups of four, three questions, table hosts, and participants self-selecting the groups they wish to join, using the self-select breakout room feature on Zoom. I created table groups on a Mural. What fun! What experimentation!
The World Café Process
We held three rounds of conversations with four participants in each table group (breakout room). Each table group chose a table host who stayed at the table to explain to the next group what was discussed and written on the Mural.
The questions were:
- What do you like about the World Café online?
- What do you want to learn more about to use the World Café online?
- What will you do to enhance your use of the World Café online?
Round 1: small groups of 4 in breakout rooms to discuss: What do you like about the World Café online?
- Self-select a group (room). Go to it in Zoom and Mural; e.g. Breakout Group 1 goes to Mural Group 1.
- Each group chooses a table host who will return to the same room for Q2 and explain to the new group members what was discussed.
- Give and gain ideas, draw, doodle, use images in the Mural area. No report. Each person uses ideas in Q2 & Q3.
- You will return to the main room after Q1
Round 2: small groups of 4 in breakout rooms to discuss: What do you want to learn more about to use the World Café online?
- Self-select a group (room). Go to it in Zoom and Mural.
- Table host goes to their previous room.
- Table host explains ideas from Q1 in 1 minute.
- Group chooses a new table host for Q2 who will return to the same room for Q3 and explain to the new group members what was discussed.
- Give and gain ideas, draw, doodle, use images in the mural area. No report. Each person uses ideas in Q3.
- You will return to the main room after Q2
Round 3: small groups of 4 in breakout rooms to discuss:
What will you do to enhance your use of World Café online?
- Self-select a group (room). Go to it in Zoom and Mural.
- Table host goes to their previous room.
- Table host explains ideas from Q2 in 1 minute.
- Small group talks and records two ideas on the Main Café Q3 area in the Mural
- You will return to the main room after Q3
Main room discussion:
Read the ideas posted in the Main Cafe Q3 area in the Mural and talk about what everyone feels and thinks about them, what they mean, and how to use them.
Here’s what participants said about the online World Cafe session I facilitated:
- I love the interactive Mural.
- It’s fun and creative
- Visual nature
- This can be a creative space to collaborate
- I never used the self-select into breakout rooms either. Much appreciated the willingness to play.
- Many people can engage at the same time
- Interesting version of World Cafe.
- Need to have some assistance to learn the first time
Interested in exploring the World Cafe conversation method online? I would love to talk with you. Contact me at