
Experience. Renewal. Celebration

Experience. Renewal. Celebration

I recently celebrated 30 years of my facilitation business and coincidentally recertified as a Certified Professional Facilitator with the International Association of Facilitators (IAF). These milestones got me thinking about experience, renewal, and celebration. I hope my musings help anyone

A Facilitation Moment: a challenge by a participant

A Facilitation Moment: a challenge by a participant

A facilitation moment. You know it! You are facilitating a group and this happens. ➡ A participant forcefully challenges an activity.➡ A participant challenges you or someone else about an idea.➡ A individual stands up and yells at everyone.And so

Facilitate hybrid sessions … with inspiration from a Christmas Poem!

Facilitate hybrid sessions … with inspiration from a Christmas Poem!

Fun and whimsy to close out 2022! Years ago, I wrote a poem based on “Twas the Night before Christmas” as a tribute to facilitators and the individuals and organizations with whom we work. This year, I had fun updating

It’s OK to say “no” to a hybrid session.

It’s OK to say “no” to a hybrid session.

“Can we do this hybrid?” Almost every client with whom I talk about facilitating a meeting or workshop asks this question. Three-quarters of the time, I answer, “It’s possible. Let’s talk more about it.” We often decide that a hybrid