strategic planning

Experience. Renewal. Celebration

Experience. Renewal. Celebration

I recently celebrated 30 years of my facilitation business and coincidentally recertified as a Certified Professional Facilitator with the International Association of Facilitators (IAF). These milestones got me thinking about experience, renewal, and celebration. I hope my musings help anyone

“On the spot” session design

“On the spot” session design

I started with one session design and switched “on the spot” to another! I was ready to facilitate a second strategic planning session with a nonprofit board of directors when it took an unexpected turn. A few hours before the

The Healing Power of Conversation

All I want for Christmas is to express my deepest appreciation for every person who contributed to a group conversation and to the facilitators who supported them. I, and I think, many other people, feel there is little we can

A Warm Face in Facilitation

One of my favorite #facilitation activities which I created years ago is the “Warm Face.” Recently, I used this activity with two organizations; Wood Buffalo Regional Library and ElderCare Edmonton. Each group was developing a strategic plan. The Warm Face is a wonderful opening conversation.